Commitment to integrity
We strive for proper management that adheres to the rules.
With the founding values, "Honesty & Trust", DL Chemical defines "Transparency", "Integrity" and "Social Responsibility" as its top priorities and is developing a "Sustainable Management System".
Transparent managementActively communicating to create a creative and transparent organizational culture
Ethical ManagementPracticing the in-house code of ethics and complying with applicable laws
Fair Trade CompliancePractice transparent and ethical management through compliance with Fair Trade Law
Social ResponsibilityImplementing social contribution initiatives to generate revenue through competitiveness
Transparent Management
We ensure transparency in our practice through open communication and value sharing.
Through transparent business management, we share information by encouraging communication between stakeholders and decision makers to build a creative and transparent corporate culture.
Status of internal communication channels
Grievance handling
- Personal grievance counseling
Ethics Hotline (organiztions)
- Accusation / Claim of wrong doing
- Suggestions on ethical management * Informant protection regulations
Internal harmony
- Labor-Management Harmony Event
- Operation of Employee recognition board
Knowledge management
- Proposal/Improvement of work
- Method/Technology proposal
Ethical Management
We establish and uphold ethical standards that our employees must follow.
The Charter of Ethics of DL Chemical is comprised of the values of DL that prioritize Ethical management.
Ethical management is the process of adhering to the company's ethical norms as well as adhering to all applicable laws and regulations governing business.
We have been conducting business on strong work ethic since the foundation of our company with the fundamental values of sincerity and trust. DL Chemical has created and run a global-level ethical management system since its declaration of the new management philosophy based on ethical management in 2000.
We have been conducting business on strong work ethic since the foundation of our company with the fundamental values of sincerity and trust. DL Chemical has created and run a global-level ethical management system since its declaration of the new management philosophy based on ethical management in 2000.

Ethics Regulations
DL Chemical established and publicized an Ethics Charter and Code of Ethics for its employees in May 2000, as well as an ethical management system.
Ethics CharterDL Chemical’s values expressed through Jeong-Do management as a corporate cultureFull Text of Ethics CharterDL Chemical Ethics CharterCharter of Business Ethics | Expression of values of DL practicing Ethical Management as a corporate cultureDL Chemical employees Recognizing that Ethical Management is the driving force behind corporate competitiveness, we are committed to enacting the DL Chemical Ethics Charter as the standard for value judgment and actions that all executives and employees must adhere to to create and actively practice a corporate culture of honesty and trust.
OneIn carrying out our responsibilities, we take the lead in developing a solid corporate culture that adheres to the fundamentals and values by adhering to internal ethical norms based on honesty and trust and complying with all business laws.
OneWe achieve customer satisfaction and secure customer trust by providing services that respect customers, appreciate customer trust, and create customer value.
OneWe compete fairly in all commercial activities and seek mutual gain and progress through mutual trust and cooperative partnerships established through fair trade.
OneWe value our executives and employees as individuals, and we strive to completely demonstrate individual originality, provide equal opportunity, and practice fair appraisal.
OneWe preserve the interests of shareholders and contribute to the construction of pleasant and prosperous lives for customers and societal growth by evolving into a sound company through logical business practices.
Code of EthicsExecutives and employees must adhere to standards for appropriate behavior and value judgmentsBasic ethics of employees, attitude towards customers, fair trade and competition, responsibilities of employees, corporate social responsibilityFull Text of Code of EthicsDL Chemical Code of EthicsEstablishing correct behavior and value judgment criteria for employees to comply withDL Chemical employees We take 'creating the future, respect for human beings, and customer trust as our business principles, and play a pioneering role by sharing joy with customers, keeping our promises, and providing trustworthy management, based on the corporate philosophy of creating a pleasant and prosperous life and of 'extensive and limitless growth and development.' By doing our best to perform our duties and responsibilities, we will continue to grow and develop into a world-class corporation that is trusted and appreciated. As a result, the Code of Ethics has been formed as a standard for correct behavior and value judgment that all executives and employees must adhere to, and we utilize it as a norm to observe and conform to in all parts of our company activities.Chapter 1 Basic Ethics of EmployeesExecutives and employees must perform their jobs based on honesty and trust, and complete their given missions through fair job performance while adhering to the Hansup spirit.
1. Development of a positive corporate culture
- ① We share the company's management philosophy and sympathize with the company's aims and values, and we diligently carry out our individually assigned missions according to the company's business policy.
- ② We will establish an organizational culture based on open communication and mutual trust among our superiors and coworkers.
- ③ We will do our utmost to carry out our responsibilities fairly and by all applicable laws and corporate policies.
2. Fulfillment of duty in good faith
- ① We endeavor to avoid any conduct or relationship that conflicts with the company's interests, and if there is a conflict of interest between the company and an individual or department, we will prioritize the company's interests and act.
- ② We must do our work in such a way that there is no cost to the company as a result of an intentional or unintentional error.
3. Conducting fair job performance
- ① We always aim to build a sound company culture and conduct all tasks honestly and fairly.
- ② We do not engage in immoral or unethical actions that may jeopardize DL Chemical's dignity and honor in our everyday lives and activities.
- ③ We will not exploit our position or authority to gain an unfair advantage or cause damage others.
- ④ The following are the forbidden scope and standards of conduct in connection to the performance of workers' duties.
Chapter 2 Attitude Towards CustomersAs a creator of a pleasant and prosperous life, DL Chemical values customer trust and respects consumers as the source of extensive and infinite development realizes customer happiness and builds customer confidence by delivering services that may deliver customer value.-
1. Respecting customers
- ① We know exactly who the customer is.
- ② We stay close to customers and listen to their modest voices.
- ③ We always work with the consumer in mind and make decisions from the customer's perspective.
2. Emphasizing trust
- ① We keep promises made to customers and business partners.
- ② We ensure the dependability of our products or services.
- ③ We adhere to the standards without deviating from social norms and expectations.
3. Providing value
- ① We recognize and assess the diverse needs of customers.
- ② We offer services that add value to the lives of our customers.
- ③ By expanding internal capabilities, we can provide comprehensive services.
Chapter 3 Fair Trade and CompetitionDL Chemical promotes common interests and development among merchants by conforming to relevant local rules and regulations in all domestic and international commercial activities, competing fairly, and developing mutual trust and cooperative relationships through fair trade.-
1. Respecting laws and customs
- ①In all business activities at home and abroad, we comply with all applicable rules and regulations and conduct business in accordance with commercial customs.
- ② We follow the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and the International Commerce Anti-Bribery Act in international trade.
2. Conducting fair competition
- ① We satisfy customers with the highest quality and service, develop customer recognition, and trust, and gain an advantage via fair and free competition.
- ② We do not unfairly infringe on competitors' interests or exploit weaknesses.
3. Performing fair transactions
- ① All transactions must be conducted at mutually equal positions and under fair transaction conditions and processes.
- ② Bribery utilizing a superior position or other unfair practices that violate trade in good faith are forbidden in the event of commerce.
4. Pursuing common interests and development
- ①We form a trading alliance to nurture a clean and transparent trading environment.
- ②We foster reciprocal technological advancement and development, as well as a sense of community to achieve common interests and development.
Chapter 4 Responsibilities of EmployeesWe regard our employees as human beings, treat them fairly based on their abilities and achievements, take precautions for their health and safety, and always do our best to allow them to completely express their creativity.-
1. Respect for human beings
- ①We treat each employee as an independent individual.
- ②We attempt to make staff feel rewarded and proud of their work.
2. Nurturing talents
- ①We actively create opportunities for self-development and growth, as well as the required mechanisms, so that they can become autonomous and creative talents with strong ethical values.
3. Fair treatment
- ①To provide fair evaluation and compensation, we set and publicize evaluation standards for abilities and achievements, and we adhere to them.
- ②We do not discriminate against anyone based on their academic background or place of origin, and we treat everyone equally.
4. Taking responsibility for health and safety
- ①We take and put in place steps to ensure employee health and safety at work.
Chapter 5 Corporate Social ResponsibilityWe preserve the interests of our shareholders and contribute to the construction of a prosperous life for our customers and the growth of society by evolving into a sound firm through logical business actions.-
1. Contributing to national and social development
- ①We continually develop ideals that the nation and society require.
- ②We refrain from engaging in business that is detrimental to the growth of the country and society, and we engage in all business operations while respecting social values.
- ③We make life easier and more comfortable by constantly increasing the quality of our products and services via technological advancement.
2. Safeguarding our shareholders
- ①We faithfully preserve our shareholders' interests through sound profit realization and prudent investment.
- ②We strive to increase corporate value through corporate information sharing, publicity, and IR (Investor Relations).
3. Protecting our environment
- ①We rigorously adhere to environmental regulations and actively follow international environmental treaties.
- ②We endeavor to limit negative environmental impacts, reduce resource consumption, and avoid and recycle environmental contamination in all of our company activities, goods, and services.
- ③We provide proper education and training to all executives and employees so that they may participate in environmental management activities, and we encourage active environmental management by making all parties to the transaction aware of the importance of the environment.
- ④We do everything in our power to develop technology that will help reduce environmental contamination.
4. Maintaining political neutrality
- ①Employees do not engage in political activities within the firm during working hours and do not use the company's organization, personnel, or property for political reasons.
- ② Individual executives' and employees' suffrage and political opinions are respected, but each individual's political ideas or political activity should not be misconstrued as the company's viewpoint.
Additional Clause-
1. Effective date
- ① This Code of Ethics is enacted and implemented as of May 22, 2000.
- ② This Code of Ethics is amended and became effective on August 1, 2003.
- ③ This Code of Ethics is amended and became effective on January 1, 2004.
- ④ This Code of Ethics is amended and became effective on January 1, 2007.
- ⑤ This Code of Ethics is amended and became effective on July 1, 2012.
- ⑥ This Code of Ethics is amended and became effective on September 17, 2012.
- ⑦ This Code of Ethics will be revised and will become effective on June 2, 2022.
2. Writing a pledge to practice the code of ethics
- ① All executives and staff must be well-versed in the Code of Ethics and sign a pledge of practice indicating that they will do everything possible to safeguard their dignity and honor as a member of the DLfamily.
3. Reporting violations and receipt of money
- ① If you become aware of a violation of the company's Code of Ethics, you must notify the Ethics Management Office as soon as possible and in the most convenient manner.
- ② If money or valuables must be received from a stakeholder and cannot be returned, complete a ‘receipt of money, goods/gifts' form and submit it to the Ethics Management Office along with the money, valuables, or gifts.
③ Where to report
- Tel : +82-2-3708-3067
- Fax : +82-2-756-6804
- E-mail :
4. Regarding reward and punishment
- ① Executives and employees who adhere to ethical management and contribute to the company's ethical management efforts are rewarded.
- ② Executives and employees who breach the Code of Ethics and practice guidelines shall face disciplinary actions in accordance with corporate policy.
5. Regarding the interpretation of the Code of Ethics
- ① In the event of a disagreement over the interpretation or lack thereof in the Code of Ethics in relation to the company's ethical management, the relevant legislation and the interpretation of the department in charge will be followed.
6. Regarding the relationship with other company regulations
- ① The code of ethics, which serves as the foundation for ethical management practice, takes precedence over other business legislation.
1. Development of a positive corporate culture
Pledge to practice the Code of EthicsA pledge of practice for the Code of EthicsEligibility: All employeesPledge of PracticeDL Chemical Pledge to practice the Code of EthicsA pledge to practice the Code of Ethics for all employeesMyself I pledge that I have read and completely understood the company's Code of Ethics, that I actively engage in the company's ethical management, and that I will faithfully abide by it.
In particular, I solemnly swear that I will always follow the following action items when carrying out the rights and responsibilities delegated to me by the firm and that I will accept any punishment imposed by the company if I violate them.Prohibiting giving or receiving of money/entertainment/convenience- ① We never ask for or receive money, valuables, amusement, or convenience from stakeholders.
- ② We do not provide money, valuables, or entertainment/convenience to stakeholders outside of the customary scope.
- ③ When we receive money or valuables, we politely decline or return them.
- ※ Employees, consumers, business partners, and domestic and foreign public officials who may be directly or indirectly influenced by business performance are examples of stakeholders.
Prohibiting financial transactions with stakeholders- ① We prohibit making debt transactions with stakeholders (money loan, guarantee, etc.)
Protecting company property and important information- ①The company's tangible and intangible assets must be safeguarded and not used for personal gain.
- ②We do not externally reveal any knowledge that could jeopardize the company's profitability.
Prohibition of actions that may result in undue gain or injury by abusing a commercial position or authority- ①In addition, to demonstrate that I handled my work transparently and fairly and that I did not violate the company's Code of Ethics, etc., I agree to respond faithfully to any request from the company to provide financial transaction details and personal information about myself if necessary.
Fair Trade Compliance (CP)
We are conducting transparent management, a compliance system to voluntarily comply with fair trade laws and regulations.
DL Chemical is implementing the Fair Trade Compliance Program (CP) focusing on prevention of violations of the Fair Trade Act. Also, we strive to facilitate transparent management and ethical management based on trust-based relationships with our business partners and suppliers
Voluntary compliance managers appoint CP managers in each field to conduct training, inquire/advise, and check,
as well as share information and their experiences to maintain fair trade compliance.
as well as share information and their experiences to maintain fair trade compliance.

CP Initiatives
Voluntary compliance with fair trade is being established through company-wide efforts.
CP Self-inspectionExamination of corporate-wide self-compliance
CP Organization ChartCreation of company-wide self-compliance organization
CP Code of ConductDirectors and Employees Code of ConductCP Code of Conduct Please follow the method below in the event of violations or potential violations of the Fair Trade Act in contract matters, sales, and purchase activities, and so forth.
OneIf it is judged that an employee has violated or is likely to violate the law, the head of each department is notified.
OneThe head of each department notifies the person in charge of the department in charge or the head of the department in charge
OneThe person in charge of each department confirms whether there is a violation of the law and, if so, develops a corrective action plan and reports it to the department's head.
OneThe head of the department in charge submits the above to the compliance manager, reflects the compliance manager's view, and notifies the relevant department's head of the breach of the law and a corrective action plan in case of infringement.
OneThe results of corrective activities are communicated to the department in charge by the department head.
OneThe results of the department's corrective actions are reported to the compliance manager by the head of the department in charge.
OneThe following monitoring will look to see if the relevant department has taken corrective action.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
We will go one step forward in fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities.
As part of its corporate social responsibility to create a sustainable business environment, DL Chemical is first generating profits through sustainable competitiveness, then establishing a healthy Business Ecosystem for continuous profit generation, and finally engaging in social contribution activities to fulfill its role as a member of society.
Profit creation through competitiveness
Performance-oriented organizational culture DNA
- 1. Do you outperform your competition?
- 2. Do executives and staff understand the source of their earnings, i.e. their key competencies?
- 3. Are the core competencies sustainable?
- 4. Do you want to maximize your ability to broaden your core competencies?
Social Contribution Activities
Fulfill your role as a member of society
- Sharing Activities
- Cultural Business
- Educational Business
Ethics Hotline
Submit any suggestions, concerns and complaints on any internal or external stakeholders.